NRC Runner of the Month – Marion Mitchell

NRCer Marion Mitchell (center) pauses during the 2019 Rollin’ Nolan for a quick pic.

Happiness is… a long walk with good friends.  For NRCer Marion Mitchell, this saying couldn’t be truer (and if the walk’s through Disney or a vineyard – even better!)  

She took a running leap to train with NRC’s Couch to 5K Program in 2016, and landed smack dab in an amazing circle of walking friends!  Now, she enjoys a little “happiness” with each weekly journey around Nolensville or wherever the path may lead. 

From New York to Nolensville

Marion was born in Knoxboro, New York, far from the hills of Tennessee.  There, in that tiny, scenic town in central upstate NY, her childhood was mostly spent outdoors, and on a sled or a snowmobile during the super snowy winters that stayed from October to March.  Kind of funny, because now she hates the cold!!

Today, her three energetic kids and their families make sure there is plenty of adventure in her life. Two of them live in Nolensville with her eight precious grandkids, and another son and daughter-in-law live in northern Virginia, which was home to Marion for 35 years.  Fun fact: One of her granddaughter’s actually completed the C25K program this past spring!

Marion waves alongside her son and daughter-in-law at a Disney repeat race in 2018.

Marion started running when her kids were little as a way to unwind.  (Move over Calgon.  Running shoes take me away!)  She admits, “I’m not gonna lie. At times, I ran just to escape for awhile, for the peace and quiet, and to be by myself!”

Her first and only race experience before NRC was at Disney World in 2013. One of her sons, her daughter-in-law and her daughter signed up for the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon and asked her to join in the “fun”. 

“I loved the idea of the wine and dine part of the deal,” Marion laughed.  

They set her up with a training program, which she followed pretty faithfully, considering. Race day in the magical kingdom came, and Marion crossed her finish line! 

“The half marathon was one of the hardest things I have ever done physically in my life,” said Marion.  “It was a fun experience and besides being very stiff and sore after, I felt so awesome for actually having completed it!”

Join a Running What?!

There’s no way Marion would have dreamed 10 years ago that she’d be a member of a running club.  Back then classes at the gym and working out with her personal trainer kept her fit. Running and walking wasn’t high on the list of fun things to do!

Marion (center) with fellow Couch to 5K crew a.k.a. the Red Hot Chili Steppers during the Nolensville 5K 2016.

That all changed five years ago after she moved to Nolensville, Tennessee to be nearer to her kids and grandkids.  Looking for something to do and a way to meet people, she heard about the Couch to 5K program on Facebook.  It brought back memories of her running experience at Disney, and she thought it’d be fun to give it a try.

She didn’t know anyone when she went the first time.  Marion was assigned to the 4:1 intervals group, but hurt her knee.  She decided to join the walking group while it healed, and never looked back. 

“Mary Beth Moore and Joe Singer were both mentors, super supportive and friendly,” Marion smiles.  “Joe’s mantra was ‘walk with a purpose’ which I found myself using in 2019, when I got to be a mentor for the walkers.”

Surrounded by Friendship

Marion can’t say enough about the support of this awesome group! There’s Mary Beth who keeps them on track!  She always welcomes newcomers, somehow knows the exact miles of each route and makes sure the next walk is scheduled.  Suzanne Wolff and Nancy Foust can be counted on for some good humor; and if Suzanne gets in the lead, know you’re gonna move, and probably do hills. Plus, there’s Deborah, Don, Amanda, Ann and Derek who usually join in for the Saturday walk, which they top off with breakfast and laughs at Mama Java’s. 

Marion clowns around with fellow NRCers (from left) Nancy Foust, Suzanne Annunziata, and Mary Beth Moore on the runway!

Likewise, her friends can’t say enough about Marion.  Mary Beth Moore notes, “Marion and I have walked many miles together over the past several years. She is always willing to go the extra mile, literally.  One race I remember in particular was the Murfreesboro Middle Half a few years ago. By mile 11, it was getting hot. I was not feeling well and didn’t think I could finish. Marion was beside me the rest of the way telling me that we could do it. We could finish!  We finished together, but I did not know until after the race that she didn’t feel well either. She never mentioned it. She just kept encouraging me! NRC is the perfect example of friendships being brought together.”

Marion is no slacker!  Motivation for her is keeping a race on the schedule every couple of months.  Then there’s the peer pressure; like how after every race it seems one of her crew says they’re not signing up for any more races for a while – and then they all do!!

Marion and daughter at the Tennessee Titans 5K.

Disney, Beaches & Wineries – Oh My!

Outside of walking, Marion loves to hang out with her grandkids, do projects around her house and backyard, and travel.  A favorite destination is to Virginia to see her son and old friends, and she loves Disney, beach vacations and wineries!  Arrington Vineyard is her local fave, but she says a must-see is the picture perfect St. Francis winery in California!

From high five lines to gifts for Christmas angels, Marion is proud to be part of NRC.  

“I would definitely encourage anyone to join NRC who has an interest in being fit and having fun in the process,” said Marion.  “I am proof that you do not need to be a runner to belong. There is definitely a group for everybody!”

NRC Speed Round – Marion Mitchell

Salty or Sweet: Definitely sweet! Specifically, Chips Ahoy cookies with a Diet Coke!

Favorite TV show: Grey’s Anatomy; been watching it for years, still love it!

Go to phrase: “Holy moly”– said when struggling on a walk, usually in conjunction with walking up a hill. I always like to do hills as fast as I can, so I can linger at the top waiting for everyone else!

My Disney Princess Inspiration: Cinderella — “Run like it’s midnight!” She faces life with a cheerful attitude regardless of her circumstances, is kind to everyone, and still comes out the winner. Kindness does count!  Being the winner is kind of cool, too!